Cancer Care Journals

Everyone's cancer journey is unique and having a place to record and follow that journey will help you keep an active role in your care. At the Cancer Agency, we have a few resources such as My Journey, the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Patient Cancer Care Guidebook and Journal

The My Journey cancer care journal is your personal record of your experience and has useful worksheets and tips to help you keep an active role in your care.

This journal can be a central place for you to:

  • schedule appointments and social activities
  • write down your questions or concerns
  • monitor your emotional and spiritual health
  • plan a physical activity schedule
  • maintain good nutrition
  • track side effects

It can be helpful to keep these things in one place to have quick access when the care team ask questions. 

Please speak with a member of your health care team to receive a copy of My Journey.

Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Patient Cancer Care Guidebook and Journal

Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) Health Department has published the Métis Patient Cancer Care Guidebook and Journal. These resources provide Métis cancer patients with culturally relevant and accessible information, including travel program details and a list of available services and supports for easy reference. These resources were developed in partnership with the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (SCA), USask Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC), and the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA).

Additional Resources