Patient and Family Advisory Council


Patients and families are respected members of the teams that develop, implement and provide cancer services. 

Partnership of Care

At the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, our patients and their families are at the heart of our work. To make sure we focus on meeting the needs of patients and families, we established the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) in 2011. The responsibility of PFAC is to help the Cancer Agency blend the voices of patients and families with the health care team to provide the highest quality care and services.

PFAC is a diverse group of patients, family members and caregivers who have received or witnessed care at our cancer centres. PFAC advises the Cancer Agency’s staff, leaders, and Board members on improvements that can be made regarding health care from the patient and family perspective. 

A group photo of our patient and family advisory council (8 people, 1 man, 7 women).

Role and Responsibilities

PFAC serves as the patient voice for all cancer patients. PFAC provides an opportunity for patients and family members to help the Cancer Agency improve the cancer journey for everyone involved. The advisors work to improve the cancer journey by:

  • Describing the cancer care experience through the eyes of the patient and family.
  • Providing advice and recommendations to the Cancer Agency to help with planning, policies, and procedures.
  • Improving patient safety, integration, and navigation of health care systems.
  • Promoting effective and ongoing communication between patients, families, and staff.
  • Enhancing relationships between Cancer Agency staff and their patients and family members.
  • Supporting patients and family members to be full partners in their cancer treatment and care.

Patient and Family-Centred Health Care is:

An approach to planning and delivering health care that recognizes and respects the patient and family as partners in the health care process. It redefines the relationships that traditionally exist in health care. Patient and family-centred care is the kind of care you and a family member will receive at the Cancer Agency.

It is based on:

  • Respect & Dignity: Health care providers listen to patient and family perspectives and choices.
  • Sharing Supportive & Useful Information: Communicating and sharing information with patients and families so they have the resources they need to actively participate in their care.
  • Participation: Patients and families are encouraged and supported to participate in their care and decision making at the level they choose.
  • Collaboration: Health-care leaders work with patients and families to improve their experience and care.

How Can I Get Involved?

Our PFAC meets six times annually, each meeting lasting approximately 3-4 hours. As a PFAC member, your level of engagement/involvement can vary according to your preference (little or as much as you’d like). Examples of advisor involvement range from reviewing and providing feedback on policies and documents to participating in interna and external committees like the Lung Screening & Prevention Steering Committee, First Nations and Métis Culturally Responsive Committee, Space Planning Committee, Accreditation, and numerous other opportunities.

If you are interested in learning more about or participating on PFAC, please contact:
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Patient and Family Advisory Council
Phone: 639-625-2001

PFAC Handbook

For more information about PFAC and the role of its members, please download the PFAC Handbook below. 

The Handbook provides more background about the Council, as well as the current PFAC Charter and Terms of Reference listed below. 

Who Should I Contact if I have a Concern about my Care?

We suggest that you first speak with a member of your health-care team. If you are unable to resolve your concern, contact the Cancer Agency’s Quality of Care Coordinator (QCC) at 1-866-577-6489.

Additional Resources
Additional Resources
Remote video URL
Patient and Family Advisory Council - Saskatchewan Cancer Agency

The video is about the Patient and Family Advisory Council, who shares the patient and family voice in the work the agency and our commitment to care.