The Saskatchewan Cancer Agency has a variety of treatment centres and Community Oncology Programs of Saskatchewan (COPS) throughout the province. We also offer a home away from home for cancer patients at our Cancer Patient Lodges in Regina and Saskatoon. To learn more about these locations, click on their respective page below.
Masking is now OPTIONAL, but recommended, for all patients, visitors and staff in our cancer clinics across the province and patient lodges in Regina and Saskatoon.
The SCA monitors respiratory virus cases in community and has concluded that the current risk to patients is low. We are confident that patients will remain safe in our facilities with everyone following standard infection prevention and control practices, such as washing or sanitizing hands frequently and wearing a mask, as needed for patient safety.
Patients and their support persons can continue to wear masks in our facilities. Masks will continue to be provided at the entrances of all SCA sites. Patients can also ask their health care team to wear masks. Our providers will be happy to oblige.