Work With Us

Working at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency means you are part of a compassionate care team of healthcare professionals who understands that every patient journey is unique and requires special treatment, attention and care.

Becoming a part of that care team means we are looking for the best and brightest and—even more importantly—those who understand the complex and sensitive world of cancer care.

The Cancer Agency welcomes volunteers, partners and those who want to work in cancer care.

Careers .

For a list of openings at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, please see our Career Spotlights or visit the Health Careers in Sask website.

Student Sponsorships and Bursaries .

The Saskatchewan Cancer Agency recognizes radiation therapists and other hard-to-recruit positions within cancer care, offering sponsorship and bursaries for those positions.

Volunteering .

Learn more about what our caring and dedicated volunteers do to support patients, families and caregivers and how you can join them.

Patient and Family Advisory Council .

The Patient and Family Advisory Council helps the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency by ensuring we are focused on meeting the needs of our patients and families.