Data Access Requests
Our goal at the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (Cancer Agency) is to help you to access the data you need for research while ensuring its security and appropriate use. We support research, data use and collection towards improving cancer control.
The Data Access Committee is a committee of Cancer Agency staff who review data requests and approve requests for data. To ensure there is a safe way to gather and share data in a timely way, we have developed a defined process for requests. Requestors are asked to complete a data request form (DRF). The information on the form will be used to evaluate your request for access to SCA data.
The SCA has been processing research requests as per our normal processes, including setting up remote research accounts if needed. With the pandemic and the unprecedented situation, there may be delays due to availability and capacity of external stakeholders for triparty agreements. The result may be a longer time period to process requests and requests may not be able to be completed within short deadlines. The Data Access Committee will look at prioritization of requests based on various determinants and will try to accommodate as best we can.
At this time, we will prioritize the following requests:
Summer student projects.
Projects involving graduate or undergraduate students.
Granting projects.
Time sensitive projects with specific deadlines.
Those deemed urgent for Cancer Agency clinical/business purpose.
Requests related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thank you for your patience.