Understanding Your FIT Results

understanding your results colorectal 1The Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory will analyze your test and forward the results to the Screening Program for Colorectal Cancer. The screening program will notify you and your healthcare provider of the results of the FIT.

What if my screening result is normal?

A normal result means that blood was not found in your stool. The test should be repeated every two years. The screening program will send you another letter and test kit in two years' time.

What does it mean if my screening result is unsatisfactory?

This means that your sample could not be analyzed. There are several reasons why the sample could be unsatisfactory for testing, e.g., if you did not include the date that you collected the sample on the laboratory requisition or if the sample container had expired. If the result is unsatisfactory, the screening program will send you a new FIT kit so you can retake the test.

What if my screening result is abnormal?

An abnormal result means that blood was found in your stool. The screening program will send the results to your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider or the screening program's nurse navigator will contact you about the appropriate follow-up care, which may include a colonoscopy.

For more information about your FIT result, please contact your healthcare provider or call the screening program toll free at 1-855-292-2202.

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